Sustainable Earth

Sustainability Issue: Democracy
Solution Suggested: Wars
Short Explanation  Governments go to war, sometimes against the will of the people.
Full reason for rating.
 Governments go to war, sometimes against the will of the people.
Declaring war does not take the will of the people into consideration. This was clearly demonstrated in the Iraq war. Millions of people demonstrated against invading Iraq, but Blair Joined the USA in the war that was justified with false documents, e.g `chemical weapons on trucks` as presented by Colin Powell to the United Nations.
Interfering In other Countries` Affairs
The political system chosen by a country is its own internal affair, however, these days it seems that it is fine to force `democracy` on countries that might not be ready for it or might never be ready for it. It seems the only democratic countries are those with very large military forces that can enforce their form a democracy where they deem fit.

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