Sustainable Earth

Sustainability Issue: Democracy
Solution Suggested: Reduce Population
Short Explanation Democracy has a serious negative impact on how a sustainable environment can be maintained.
Full reason for rating.

Democracy has a serious negative impact on how a sustainable environment can be maintained

Governments are run by people what want to be in office as long as possible. Therefore they are very unlikely to make decisions that will affect their re-election negatively. Popular agendas, at the time, will drive their policies and they will even push such agendas to suit their needs. Sadly there is no easy alternative to democracy and we will have to live with these self-interested politicians, trying to hold them to account through elections.
Population Reduction
This will never be promoted by scientists or politicians as it has no direct benefit for them. It is, however, as is clear from this spreadsheet, the only solution that addresses all the threats to the environment and has no particular costs to the consumer. As a matter of fact it will benefit the consumer as fewer people means better education, less famine, enough clean water and good accommodation. The forests will not need to be decimated as there will be no need to increase housing and/or farming. Rivers and oceans will grow back their habitat and species threatened with extinction will return. Nature will come back as is proven by many areas abandoned by humans.

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